Khilafah In Language Terminology
Daula Islamiyyah is Caliphate or Imamate Islamiyyah [1]. The 'ulama do not distinguish the words of Imamat and Caliphate. Both have the same meaning. [2] Thahawiy states, "Khilafah is a reflection of the leadership that implement Daula Islamiyyah constitutions in certain areas of political views that exist. [3]
Khilafah comes from the word khalafa (mashdar form), if otherwise khalafahu fi qaumihi (represent him as the leader of his people), means it is yakhlufuhu khilafatan (represent it as an empire). Allah Almighty says:
"And Moses said to his brother Aaron," I replace them in (lead), my people. "[Al-A'raf: 142] [4]
In Dictionary Lisaan al-'Arab mentioned, "istakhlafa fulaan min fulaan: ja'alahu makaanahu. Wa khalafa fulan fulaanan idza kaana khaliifatuhu yuqaal: khalaftu fulaanan, akhlifuhu takhliifan, wa wa istakhlaftuhu ANAA ja'altuhu khaliifatiiy istakhlafahu. [5] [so and so replace the [leadership] fulan others; ie replace him. Fulan menggangkat so and so [as a deputy leadership] if khalifahnya said, "I picked up so and so [as vice kepemimpinanku], I menganggkatnya as a vice, and I picked [as vice], and I make it as khalifahku, and replace it.]"
Abu baqa 'said, "The Caliph was the person who replaces and occupies the position of others .... While Khilaafah is niyabah [representatives] of another person, caused by the departure of people they represent, death, and because of his weakness." [6]
Literally, khaliifah meaningful, "People who represent the people before. Forms jama 'from khaliifah is khulafaa'. Just as kariimah and karaaim, then form jama 'from khaliifah is khulafaa'. Sibawaih Imam said, "wa Khaliifah khulafaa '. [7]
The narration tells, "There is an 'Arab Abu Bakr ra asked," You are the caliph of the Prophet. Abu Bakr replied, "Not." The 'Arab was asked, "Then who are you?" Abu Bakr said, "I am the Caliph after his SAW", Imam Ibn Atsiir said, "This is a form ketawadlu'an, and humility of Abu Bakr ra, when he was asked, "You Caliph Messenger of Allah", ie, that the caliph was the one who changed the position of people who have gone (dzaahib), and occupies his position. While al-khaalifah also be meaningful, "people who have no goodness at all." [8] Because, although the position of one who replaces the Messenger of Allah in terms of leadership in the Daulah Islamiyyah very high, but that person will never be able to replace him in all things. On that basis, greeting Abu Bakr was only showing a height-ketawadlu morality 'an - from Abu Bakr ra, whereas the Arabs refer to the meaning of the word caliph, "al-'umuud min a'madah muakhkhirihi fi al-stanza" [replacement leader from the previous state leaders]. "[9]
Basically, Abu Bakr knew that he was the caliph of the Prophet which saw his position as head of state. But he understands that not all aspects of it could replace the prophet-like of the prophetic -. Therefore, so tawadlu'nya Abu Bakr to the Prophet, when he was asked, "You caliph Prophet", he replied, "Not. But the caliph after the Prophet. "History does not show above, that the Caliph Abu Bakr ra was not the Messenger of Allah, but it just shows the height-ketawadlu morality 'an - from Abu Bakr.
Dr. Mahmud 'Abd al-Majid al-Khalidiy comment on the above history, "... that's the intended meaning of Abu Bakr ra, because the Prophet was the first leader to Daulah Islamiyyah, builder of the pillars of the country, the foundation stone of the state structure, and administration, and regulating all matters the Muslims. No doubt, Abu Bakr was the leader of both the Daulah Islamiyyah. He ra. is one of the leaders of leaders Islamiyyah Daula. Greeting Abu Bakr has no meaning other than the expression and the height of morality ketawadlu'an Abu Bakr ra, because the meanings that are understood by the Arabs [regarding lafadz khaalifah] is not correlative with what is meant Abu Bakr ra. Al-Khaalifah itself has many meanings, "al-Qaa'idah min fi al-Daar al-Nisaa '[The woman who was sitting (menaphouse) in the house]," al-mukhtalif' an al-qaum fi al-ghazw "[ people who fled from his people during the war], "al-katsiir al-khilaaf" [people who are very opposed], "al-faasid min al-unlucky" [people like to do mischief], or "al-laa ladziy ghinaa '' indahu fiihi khair wa laa. "[people who have no virtue at all]. [10] Abu Bakr ra impossible not to know these meanings. Therefore, what is disclosed Abu Bakr only show ketawadlu'an and moral virtues of Abu Bakr ra se, not the other. [11]
Khilafah According Personality '
'Scholars disagree on defining khilaafah. Defining difference is due to differences in defining the point of view of the facts of the empire itself.
Khilafah is, "Replacement of the Prophet in implementing Islamic law." [12] This is the definition of the caliphate by Musthofa Shabariy, Shaykh al-Islam in Daula 'Ottoman.
Imam Baidlawiy define, "which replaces the Personal Messenger of Allah in enforcing Islamic law, keep the faith, which he must be obeyed by all Muslims (the Ummah)." [13]
Imam Kamal ibn Himaam define, "People are entitled to regulate affairs of all Muslims." [14]
Al-Qalqasyandiy define, "the general rule for all people" [15]
Imam 'Adldi al-Deen al-Aijiiy define, "Leadership is common in the case of the world, and hereafter owned by somebody." [16] Then he said in the book of the same, that the caliph over the main referred to as, "Khilafah al-Rasuul in establish and maintain religious faith that he must be obeyed by all Muslims. "
Some 'ulama Syafi'iyyah defines empire as, "Imam A'dzam (Supreme Leader) who switched positions in keeping religion apostle, and regulates the life of the world." [17]
Imam al-Mawardiy define it, "Imamate is positioned for Khilafah Nubuwwah in terms of keeping religion and world affairs." [18]
Ibn Khaldun defines, "deputy of God in keeping religion and world affairs." [19]
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibraahim al-Baijuriy define, "Vice Holy Prophet to regulate benefit of muislimin." [20]
The definitions above indicate that the Khilafah means "riyaasah al-Daula al-Islamiyyah" [leadership Islamiyyah Daula], although they differ in defining the position of Caliphate itself. Some 'ulama declared he was the representative of the Prophet, not a human representative. Some others claimed that he was God's representative. While others are more focused on aspects of obedience to the person who was appointed Caliph.
Dr. 'Abd al-Majid al-Khalidiy states, "All right, position (munashib) caliphate, or caliphate should be defined in line with the purpose of enforcing the obligation disyari'atkannya Daula on the Muslims." If we examine more deeply about the fact Daulah Islamiyyah, then we will find the following two important cases,
(1) Daulah Islamiyyah duty to uphold the laws of Personality 'of all people; collect and distribute zakat, to enforce hudud, and manage public affairs with Islam, and regulate the system of Islamic life in general. "
(2) Daulah Islamiyyah duty to carry the Islamic da'wah, beyond national boundaries Daulah Islamiyyah entirety; eliminate barriers and obstacles that confront the Islamic da'wah to the methods of jihad. [21]
As a result, the most appropriate definition of the Caliphate was, "Public Leadership for all Muslims in the life of the world, to enforce Islamic laws, and assumed the mission Islamiyyah to the rest of nature." [22]
This is the definition of the Caliphate Islamiyyah according to Islamic rules. " Based on this definition, a caliph had the main task, namely, enforcing the rules of Allah in the region of all human Islamiyyah Daula; and carry the Islamic da'wah to the whole world. Caliph must be independent, not tied to other systems that can suppress its independence. He also must have the power to carry out his duties, especially duties to enforce Islamic law and carry out propaganda all over the world. He must have a certain territory, where he did ri'ayah su'unil umma [serve the interests of the people] on their own.
A Caliph should not be controlled by other forces, or being in the confines of the power of another party. He must have independence in managing the affairs of the people, began to print currency, determine the status of citizenship, to build military power, run the wheels of industry and economy, establish and appoint the state apparatus, to build a strong educational system, to enforce the rules by applying the law of God hudud, jinayat, ta'zir, or mukhalafat.
If someone does not meet the requirements above, he called the illegitimate caliphate. Unfortunately, in the midst of the declining condition of the Muslim mind, there are some parties claim to the Khilafah, or already have a caliph, however, the party which they claim as caliph did not meet the requirements above, fettered their independence in Kufr system, not apply Islamic law as a whole, does not carry the Islamic da'wah to the rest of the world, and do not have a clear area. This fact indicates, that the caliphate, or caliphate that they enforce it is a caliphate, or empire false and legal tigak in syar'iy. Caliph and Caliphate of this kind must be rejected and should not be recognized.
Daula Islamiyyah is Caliphate or Imamate Islamiyyah [1]. The 'ulama do not distinguish the words of Imamat and Caliphate. Both have the same meaning. [2] Thahawiy states, "Khilafah is a reflection of the leadership that implement Daula Islamiyyah constitutions in certain areas of political views that exist. [3]
Khilafah comes from the word khalafa (mashdar form), if otherwise khalafahu fi qaumihi (represent him as the leader of his people), means it is yakhlufuhu khilafatan (represent it as an empire). Allah Almighty says:
"And Moses said to his brother Aaron," I replace them in (lead), my people. "[Al-A'raf: 142] [4]
In Dictionary Lisaan al-'Arab mentioned, "istakhlafa fulaan min fulaan: ja'alahu makaanahu. Wa khalafa fulan fulaanan idza kaana khaliifatuhu yuqaal: khalaftu fulaanan, akhlifuhu takhliifan, wa wa istakhlaftuhu ANAA ja'altuhu khaliifatiiy istakhlafahu. [5] [so and so replace the [leadership] fulan others; ie replace him. Fulan menggangkat so and so [as a deputy leadership] if khalifahnya said, "I picked up so and so [as vice kepemimpinanku], I menganggkatnya as a vice, and I picked [as vice], and I make it as khalifahku, and replace it.]"
Abu baqa 'said, "The Caliph was the person who replaces and occupies the position of others .... While Khilaafah is niyabah [representatives] of another person, caused by the departure of people they represent, death, and because of his weakness." [6]
Literally, khaliifah meaningful, "People who represent the people before. Forms jama 'from khaliifah is khulafaa'. Just as kariimah and karaaim, then form jama 'from khaliifah is khulafaa'. Sibawaih Imam said, "wa Khaliifah khulafaa '. [7]
The narration tells, "There is an 'Arab Abu Bakr ra asked," You are the caliph of the Prophet. Abu Bakr replied, "Not." The 'Arab was asked, "Then who are you?" Abu Bakr said, "I am the Caliph after his SAW", Imam Ibn Atsiir said, "This is a form ketawadlu'an, and humility of Abu Bakr ra, when he was asked, "You Caliph Messenger of Allah", ie, that the caliph was the one who changed the position of people who have gone (dzaahib), and occupies his position. While al-khaalifah also be meaningful, "people who have no goodness at all." [8] Because, although the position of one who replaces the Messenger of Allah in terms of leadership in the Daulah Islamiyyah very high, but that person will never be able to replace him in all things. On that basis, greeting Abu Bakr was only showing a height-ketawadlu morality 'an - from Abu Bakr ra, whereas the Arabs refer to the meaning of the word caliph, "al-'umuud min a'madah muakhkhirihi fi al-stanza" [replacement leader from the previous state leaders]. "[9]
Basically, Abu Bakr knew that he was the caliph of the Prophet which saw his position as head of state. But he understands that not all aspects of it could replace the prophet-like of the prophetic -. Therefore, so tawadlu'nya Abu Bakr to the Prophet, when he was asked, "You caliph Prophet", he replied, "Not. But the caliph after the Prophet. "History does not show above, that the Caliph Abu Bakr ra was not the Messenger of Allah, but it just shows the height-ketawadlu morality 'an - from Abu Bakr.
Dr. Mahmud 'Abd al-Majid al-Khalidiy comment on the above history, "... that's the intended meaning of Abu Bakr ra, because the Prophet was the first leader to Daulah Islamiyyah, builder of the pillars of the country, the foundation stone of the state structure, and administration, and regulating all matters the Muslims. No doubt, Abu Bakr was the leader of both the Daulah Islamiyyah. He ra. is one of the leaders of leaders Islamiyyah Daula. Greeting Abu Bakr has no meaning other than the expression and the height of morality ketawadlu'an Abu Bakr ra, because the meanings that are understood by the Arabs [regarding lafadz khaalifah] is not correlative with what is meant Abu Bakr ra. Al-Khaalifah itself has many meanings, "al-Qaa'idah min fi al-Daar al-Nisaa '[The woman who was sitting (menaphouse) in the house]," al-mukhtalif' an al-qaum fi al-ghazw "[ people who fled from his people during the war], "al-katsiir al-khilaaf" [people who are very opposed], "al-faasid min al-unlucky" [people like to do mischief], or "al-laa ladziy ghinaa '' indahu fiihi khair wa laa. "[people who have no virtue at all]. [10] Abu Bakr ra impossible not to know these meanings. Therefore, what is disclosed Abu Bakr only show ketawadlu'an and moral virtues of Abu Bakr ra se, not the other. [11]
Khilafah According Personality '
'Scholars disagree on defining khilaafah. Defining difference is due to differences in defining the point of view of the facts of the empire itself.
Khilafah is, "Replacement of the Prophet in implementing Islamic law." [12] This is the definition of the caliphate by Musthofa Shabariy, Shaykh al-Islam in Daula 'Ottoman.
Imam Baidlawiy define, "which replaces the Personal Messenger of Allah in enforcing Islamic law, keep the faith, which he must be obeyed by all Muslims (the Ummah)." [13]
Imam Kamal ibn Himaam define, "People are entitled to regulate affairs of all Muslims." [14]
Al-Qalqasyandiy define, "the general rule for all people" [15]
Imam 'Adldi al-Deen al-Aijiiy define, "Leadership is common in the case of the world, and hereafter owned by somebody." [16] Then he said in the book of the same, that the caliph over the main referred to as, "Khilafah al-Rasuul in establish and maintain religious faith that he must be obeyed by all Muslims. "
Some 'ulama Syafi'iyyah defines empire as, "Imam A'dzam (Supreme Leader) who switched positions in keeping religion apostle, and regulates the life of the world." [17]
Imam al-Mawardiy define it, "Imamate is positioned for Khilafah Nubuwwah in terms of keeping religion and world affairs." [18]
Ibn Khaldun defines, "deputy of God in keeping religion and world affairs." [19]
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibraahim al-Baijuriy define, "Vice Holy Prophet to regulate benefit of muislimin." [20]
The definitions above indicate that the Khilafah means "riyaasah al-Daula al-Islamiyyah" [leadership Islamiyyah Daula], although they differ in defining the position of Caliphate itself. Some 'ulama declared he was the representative of the Prophet, not a human representative. Some others claimed that he was God's representative. While others are more focused on aspects of obedience to the person who was appointed Caliph.
Dr. 'Abd al-Majid al-Khalidiy states, "All right, position (munashib) caliphate, or caliphate should be defined in line with the purpose of enforcing the obligation disyari'atkannya Daula on the Muslims." If we examine more deeply about the fact Daulah Islamiyyah, then we will find the following two important cases,
(1) Daulah Islamiyyah duty to uphold the laws of Personality 'of all people; collect and distribute zakat, to enforce hudud, and manage public affairs with Islam, and regulate the system of Islamic life in general. "
(2) Daulah Islamiyyah duty to carry the Islamic da'wah, beyond national boundaries Daulah Islamiyyah entirety; eliminate barriers and obstacles that confront the Islamic da'wah to the methods of jihad. [21]
As a result, the most appropriate definition of the Caliphate was, "Public Leadership for all Muslims in the life of the world, to enforce Islamic laws, and assumed the mission Islamiyyah to the rest of nature." [22]
This is the definition of the Caliphate Islamiyyah according to Islamic rules. " Based on this definition, a caliph had the main task, namely, enforcing the rules of Allah in the region of all human Islamiyyah Daula; and carry the Islamic da'wah to the whole world. Caliph must be independent, not tied to other systems that can suppress its independence. He also must have the power to carry out his duties, especially duties to enforce Islamic law and carry out propaganda all over the world. He must have a certain territory, where he did ri'ayah su'unil umma [serve the interests of the people] on their own.
A Caliph should not be controlled by other forces, or being in the confines of the power of another party. He must have independence in managing the affairs of the people, began to print currency, determine the status of citizenship, to build military power, run the wheels of industry and economy, establish and appoint the state apparatus, to build a strong educational system, to enforce the rules by applying the law of God hudud, jinayat, ta'zir, or mukhalafat.
If someone does not meet the requirements above, he called the illegitimate caliphate. Unfortunately, in the midst of the declining condition of the Muslim mind, there are some parties claim to the Khilafah, or already have a caliph, however, the party which they claim as caliph did not meet the requirements above, fettered their independence in Kufr system, not apply Islamic law as a whole, does not carry the Islamic da'wah to the rest of the world, and do not have a clear area. This fact indicates, that the caliphate, or caliphate that they enforce it is a caliphate, or empire false and legal tigak in syar'iy. Caliph and Caliphate of this kind must be rejected and should not be recognized.
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