Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Islamic school of business

Over the last few decades, Islamic finance to grow significantly and began to be discussed as an alternative to the world financial system, complementing the existing system. World economic crisis that is currently happening has accelerated the growth of Islamic finance in Indonesia and in the world.

In Indonesia, over the last few years Islamic finance to grow not only in terms of value, but also the variety and complexity of products offered. This development is expected to continue, one of which was due to the relatively small market share compared with the existing market potential. Islamic financial products such as Sukuk get encouraging response, not only in Islamic countries, but also in various countries in the northern hemisphere. This illustrates the high demand for professionals and entrepreneurs who dominate and qualified in the field of Islamic Finance and Business.

Seeing the lack of reliable human resources to take advantage of the above, PGSB since 2006 introduced a program of Masters in Business and Finance Islam, an intensive three-semester program dedicated to individuals who intend to equip themselves with latest knowledge and skills in the field of business and Islamic finance.

Different approaches in PGSB Islamic Business and Finance
1. Lecture material steeped in Islamic financial products and services

2. The best professors in their fields, both from academia and practitioners

3. The best combination of development expertise and build knowledge

4. Practical learning methodology


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